IntelliJ IDEA 8.01 Release

8.0 이 나온지 얼마 되지도 않아 8.01이 나왔다.
Release Note를 보니까 버그 fix가 상당히 많은듯...

다운로드 :
Release Notes :

2008/11/18 - [Programming/tool] - IntelliJ IDEA 8 Release

'programming > tool' 카테고리의 다른 글

Eclipse is running in a JRE, but a JDK is required <Maven 이클립스 설정>  (0) 2009.05.07
VisualSVN Server 설치하기  (0) 2008.12.19
VisualSVN Server 소개  (0) 2008.12.15
IntelliJ IDEA 8 Release  (0) 2008.11.18
IntelliJ IDEA 리뷰  (0) 2007.11.09

IntelliJ IDEA 8 Release

IntelliJ IDEA 8 이 출시됐다. 개인적으로는 이클립스보다 훨씬 선호하는 개발툴이다. 물론 유료라는 단점이 있지만... :)

다운로드 :

[8버전에서 바뀐 것들]

Languages & Frameworks

SQL-92, MySQL, SQLite with coding assistance and Console to run SQL scripts from the IDE
Template languages: FreeMarker, Velocity
XPath/XSLT, including XPath expression evaluation
Groovy/Grails with advanced editing, new refactorings and Gant
JBoss Seam
Struts 2
Spring 2.5
Spring Webflow
Spring MVC
Spring Dynamic Modules
GWT 1.5
RESTful WebServices

Features & Improvements

7 New Java Refactorings
Dataflow to This — see where an arbitrary parameter value comes from
Create new test for class intention and navigation between classes/tests
UML class diagrams with navigation to the source code and refactorings
Thread dump analyzer
Automatic namespace import for HTML/XML/JSP
JavaScript debugger
Flex debugger
Advanced Flex code editor for MXML and ActionScript files, with Flash 10 generics
Maven: create new module from archetype, Repository Browser, pom.xml validation and editing assistance
Subversion 1.5 merge tracking support

Performance and Usability

Reworked engine which ensures significantly faster startup and smoother overall operation
Completely new Configure Plugins wizard that lets you flexibly manage features you need

IntelliJ IDEA 8 Release Highlights :

'programming > tool' 카테고리의 다른 글

Eclipse is running in a JRE, but a JDK is required <Maven 이클립스 설정>  (0) 2009.05.07
VisualSVN Server 설치하기  (0) 2008.12.19
VisualSVN Server 소개  (0) 2008.12.15
IntelliJ IDEA 8.01 Release  (0) 2008.12.04
IntelliJ IDEA 리뷰  (0) 2007.11.09